Profile Video
This is a brief introduction (2 - 2.5 minutes) to assist the audition panel to get to know the applicant. Strongly consider the quality of your information that addresses the following questions clearly and directly:
As a prospective student you’ve likely examined our website. How will you contribute to the artistic culture of the school?
What would the challenges be in collaborating and learning with similar selective entry dance/drama/music students? What would you find enjoyable about this?
What are your aspirations for your academic growth?
What are your goals while you would be attending NHSPA in regards to your performing art? How would you go about this?
Performance Video Requirements
Instrumental Applicants
Perform a piece of music (maximum 2 minutes long) demonstrating technical ability and personal expression. No backing tracks, click tracks, accompaniment or metronomes are to be used.
Vocal Applicants
Perform a short, prepared song (maximum 2 mins long) demonstrating technical ability and personal expression. No backing tracks, click tracks, accompaniment or metronomes are to be used.
Assessment Criteria
Applicants will be assessed on:
Technique, including intonation, rhythmic accuracy, general technical ability and fluency
Dynamics and expressive techniques including phrasing and articulation
Stylistic understanding appropriate to the piece performed
Creative ability and musical potential
Video Preparation
Record your video in a room with neutral acoustics (not a large hall or outdoors) and in neutral clear lighting.
Applicants should be dressed in appropriate performance attire i.e. smart casual
Applicant’s full body must be always framed in the video.
Be mindful of the placement of music stands.
Strings, Percussion and Piano/Keyboard: clear view of both hands is necessary
Woodwind, Brass: clear view of both hands and the mouth embouchure is necessary
Drum kits, mallet percussion, auxiliary percussion, accordion and harp: as much of the applicant’s body as is possible is to be included, including clear view of the hands. View of pedals and feet is optimal but not always possible in private residential spaces.
Video Recording
Record a 2 minute video of a live performance
Applicants are to identify themselves and the name of the piece/song at the beginning of the video.
The video may include one excerpt of a piece of music, or two excerpts demonstrating contrasting styles or techniques.
The video should be recorded in a single live take (no cutting together of separate clips unless changing pieces or instruments)
Applicants may include a second instrument in addition to the one registered, but the total recording time must not exceed 2 minutes and be combined within the one video.
- All performances must be unaccompanied except where the applicant is accompanying themselves (eg a vocal performance where an applicant sings and plays the guitar or piano at the same time in a single live take). It should be understood that in such a performance, the whole performance package will be assessed together (the vocals and piano equally)
- Absolutely NO BACKING TRACKS, CLICK TRACKS, ACCOMPANISTS OR METRONOMES (audio or visual) for any vocal or instrument. We listen to applicants solo or a cappella to hear applicants clearly with as few distractions as possible.
- Absolutely NO HEADPHONES OR EARPHONES to be worn or used by the applicant.
Video Processing
We need to hear the applicant with as little audio editing as possible. A mic through a system that has the opportunity for EQ adjustment (such as treble/bass, gain, reverb) will lead us to conclude that the EQ is a positive or negative factor (if we assume a negative EQ sound adjustment there will not be time or information to verify either way). If the applicant is successful in the video round and proceeds to the live workshop, and there is a discrepancy between the video and live sound, this will not be a helpful event for the applicant. It is much fairer for the applicant to eliminate opportunities for EQ from the process.
If there are concerns about the vocalist being heard in a self-accompanied item e.g. on the piano, the recording mic should be placed as closely as possible to the vocalist’s mouth. Alternatively, provide one minute of vocals and one minute of piano.
At the end of recording, please review the video before uploading to the Application Form and ensure that the technical quality and content is appropriate for audition.