Profile Video
This is a brief introduction (approximately 2 - 2.5 minutes) to assist the audition panel to get to know the applicant.
Please address the following questions:
As a prospective student you’ve likely examined our website. How will you contribute to the artistic culture of the school?
What would the challenges be in collaborating and learning with similar selective entry dance/drama/music students? What would you find enjoyable about this?
What are your aspirations for your academic growth?
What are your goals while you would be attending NHSPA in regard to your performing art? How would you go about this?
Video Performance Requirements
Perform a 1-2 minute scripted monologue which may consist of pieces from:
Collection of monologues
Adapted from other sources (e.g. poetry, storytelling novels etc.) in any performance style
The monologue should be a fully realised performance and applicants must not be prompted with lines or reference scripts.
Costumes are not expected, however, if necessary, small props are allowed
Applicants to identify themselves at beginning of their video
Performance should be a monologue (only the applicant speaking), not a scene with any additional characters (either present or off screen) with additional dialogue.
Ensure audio quality of the video is clear and that the camera is stationary (no zooming in and out).
Record the audition in a room with neutral acoustics (not a large hall or outside)
Video should capture the applicants’ full body, (please not in close up) as applicants’ physicality is a key factor in the audition.
Remember to review the video before uploading to the Application Form and ensure that it is appropriate for audition.
Assessment Criteria
Applicants will be assessed on:
Physical and vocal performance skills
Appropriate use of space
Ability to create an appropriate role/character
Control of pace, rhythm, and dynamics of the text
Ability to create a theatrical narrative that has a sense of clarity and purpose
Applicants should wear appropriate comfortable clothing for the video.