Newtown High School of the Performing Arts

Excellence, Creativity & Equity

Telephone02 9519 1544


Newtown High School of the Performing Arts is a specialist school catering for students who are gifted in the areas of Dance, Drama, Music and the Creative Arts. Students wishing to apply for enrolment to the school may do so as a local student or as an auditioned student. Local students are encouraged to audition in their preferred discipline(s). Given the purpose and focus of the school and the fact that demand for places is greater than available places, non-local enrolments are solely at the discretion of the school.

All students must complete an Application to Enrol in a NSW Government School which is available from the school and the Department of Education website.

School Finder

The School Finder locates NSW public schools.


Applicants are required to prove that they are bona fide permanent residents of a dwelling the address of which is in a geographical area designated for the school by the Department as the school’s local area (see the area marked on the School Catchment Map (Appendix A)).

Proof of address evidence must include:

  • A current Council Land Rates notice OR a Residential Tenancy Agreement together with Rental Bond Board receipt of at least 12 months duration (sub letting agreements and commercial leases will not be accepted as proof of residence) AND
  • At least two of the following current documents:
    • Centrelink documents or Medicare account
    • Electricity account
    • Gas account
    • Home telephone account (landline)
    • Internet account
  • In circumstances where applicant students do not reside with both or either parent, the school will rely on Family Court orders to determine the child’s place of residence

NOTE: only original documents will be accepted as proof of address evidence. There are no sibling rights to enrolment if a family moves to an out of area catchment residence. 

In some cases additional evidence as specified by the Principal may also be required


Applicants may audition for entry into the school in Year 7 and Year 11.

Each audition is assessed on its own merits. The decision of the audition panel is final and no appeal can be made except on procedure. Information on individual student’s performance in their audition will not be given. The purpose of the audition is for the school to select the best and most suitable students as assessed by the panel based on the stated criteria. These are the conditions under which students and parents/carers must agree to when applying to audition.

The general criteria on which students will be assessed are:

  • the ability to work independently and cooperatively
  • demonstrated genuine interest in the performing arts
  • demonstrated self discipline and commitment
  • the ability to successfully apply themselves to curricula and co-curricula performing arts commitments as well as other academic studies

In addition the following criteria specifically apply to each performing arts area:


  • demonstrated dance skills 
  • physical and cognitive potential in dance


  • collaboration
  • self-discipline/concentration and focus
  • physical and vocal performance
  • adaptability to characterise appropriately in various contexts
  • creativity and imagination
  • proficiency in script work


  • demonstrated pitch, rhythm, creative ability and potential
  • demonstrated concentration and focus

Additional information regarding performance requirements is sent to applicants prior to auditions.

Procedures for students seeking enrolment in Years 7 or 11

  1. Students register on-line for an audition in Dance, Drama and/or Music. Application forms are sent to all registered students
  2. Students return application forms and required documentation
  3. Auditions are held at allotted times in Semester 1
  4. Students are ranked based on their audition
  5. Places are offered

Enrolment Placement Panel

At the completion of auditions the Enrolment Placement Panel will meet to confirm enrolment decisions.


Where a parent wishes to appeal against the decision of the placement panel, the appeal should be made in writing to the Principal.

The purpose of the appeal is to determine whether the stated criteria has been applied fairly.

Non-Local Enrolments

High schools that have a designated drawing area have had student numbers capped according to the number of permanent classrooms.

Newtown High School of the Performing Arts has exceeded their cap and therefore the school is unable to accommodate out-of–area enrolments.

For futher information on enrolment please refer to the Department's Enrolment Policy.