Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.
Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.
The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.
Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.
It would greatly assist the school organisation and save you time and effort if you contact the correct person regarding your enquiry. When you ring or email the school, please explain the nature of your enquiry and to whom you wish to speak.
The email address to use when contacting the school is:
Attention: (please see list below)
The following shows you the correct person for a particular enquiry:
Student Progress in a Subject: Classroom Teacher or Subject Head Teacher
Student Conduct and General Progress: Year Adviser
Assistance with your child’s wellbeing: Either the Year Adviser, Deputy Principal, Student Support Officer, or School Counsellor
Assistance with your child’s learning needs: Classroom or Learning Support Teachers
A question regarding school organisation: Deputy Principal
A question about Year 10-12 Curriculum pattern: Year Adviser or Deputy Principal
A question about Year 10-12 Post-School Pathways: Careers Adviser
A question about NSW School of Languages: Careers Advisor
A question regarding Technology: Technical Support Officer or Business Manager
A question regarding Attendance: Attendance Officer
A question regarding Extended Leave: Deputy Principal
A question regarding Fees and Payments: Receipting in front office
A question regarding extra-curricular sport: PDHPE Faculty
A question regarding extra-curricular Performing Arts: Music, Dance or Drama Faculty
A question regarding Music tutors: Music Faculty
A question regarding enrolments/auditions/showcase: School Administration Manager
Senior executive
Susan Green
Deputy Principals
Jane Gray (Years 9 and 12) (relieving)
Nilaufer Rajwar (Years 7 and 10)
Belinda Scanlan (Years 8 and 11)
Head Teachers
Administration: Aflal Sahabdeen (relieving)
Dance: Alison McKellar (M, T, Th, F) and Emma Bathgate-Petersen (W) (relieving)
Drama: Daniel Kavanagh
English: Jack Taylor
HSIE: Hans Mayerhofer (relieving)
Mathematics: Joelle Pearn
Music: Chris Miller
PDHPE: Rachael Holland
Science/LOTE: Amanda Whitfield
TAS: Olivia Saravanos
Teaching and Learning: Justin Bradley (acting)
Visual Arts: Meredith O'Donnell (acting)
Year Advisers
Year 7: Olivia Callaghan assisted by Justin Bradley
Year 8: Michael Preston assisted by Alex Menyhart
Year 9: Lisa Coveny assisted by Jessica Brooks
Year 10: Danielle Stephens assisted by Chau Nguyen
Year 11: Jose Gonda assisted by Amanda Di Camillo
Year 12: Amber Johnson assisted by Philip Podreka
Regan Pullen (Tue, Wed, Fri)
Jessica Cashman (Mon, Tue, Thu)
Teacher Librarian
Trish Kennedy
Careers Adviser
Ula George
Who to contact
For information, clarification and advice regarding classroom work and class tasks
Head Teacher
- Information, clarification and advice regarding curriculum and more serious concerns
- Issues not yet resolved at teacher level
Year Advisor
Information, clarification and advice regarding your child’s wellbeing
Deputy Principal
For more serious issues regarding wellbeing, curriculum, learning support and general progress
- Issues not yet resolved or responded to at Head Teacher and Deputy Principal level
- Child protection matters
- Emergencies
- Expressions of gratitude and positive feedback
Administration Office
- Absentees
- Early Leavers
- Enrolments and/or auditions
- Change of contact details
- Payments
Performing Arts Head Teachers
For information, clarification and advice regarding the co-curricular program including rehearsal/performance requirements and attendance please contact the relevant Performing Arts Head Teachers